> > What exactly do you mean?  HLaTeX, as far as I know, provides a
> > complete `HFSS' (Hangul Font Selection System) for Korean which
> > should not interact with non-Korean typesetting.
> I installed hlatex next to CJK.sty etc to get the power of both; it
> seems now logical not being able to use T1 next to HFSS!-?

I've never used HLaTeX directly -- everything is in Korean which I
don't understand :-)

> ...though in his documentation of hlatex Mr Un used a glyph that
> looks like \ding{43}~ You may google for "hlguide.pdf", it's on p22
> then.

Within my CJK package, a command \ding is used only if you load

> And it may be from interest, though the default font is MyoungJo the
> Hangul lyrics came out in 고딕 ('gotik', what's equivalent to 'sans
> serif'); so I guess sans serif is the default family for lyrics in
> lilypond (and latex).

The default is what fontconfig provides as the default.  This can be
configured for your platform.

> How to change the font is explained in "GNU LilyPond.html | 8.1.7
> Font Selection" (resp. "lilypond.pdf") but, I still can't cope with
> it

You've done a syntax error:

>   \addlyrics {
>     \override #'(font-name . "휴먼우린체,Woorin R")
>     [...]

This must be

    \addlyrics {
      \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-name = "Woorin R"

[Is there an example to change the lyric font somewhere in the new
 docs?  I can only find the `sakura-sakura.ly' example file...]

My knowledge of Pango font trees is nonexistent, so I can't comment
your further observations.

> B) lilyponds detects them, but cannot display them; actually, these
> fonts seem to be .ttf only

Well, at least the font `dotum.ttf' (Baekmuk Dotum version 1.2) is
bad: It contains a `name' table where all names are `.null' (BTW, this
font makes gs 8.55 hang or working so slowly that I wasn't patient
enough to wait until it has finished -- the new 8.61, however, is just
fine).  lilypond needs such a valid `name' table to construct a
Type 42 font which can be then embedded into the PS file.

Hmm, it seems that all Baekmuk fonts are affected: Both `gulim.ttf'
and `batang.ttf' also don't contain valid glyph names.  With other
words: Those three fonts can't be used with lilypond.

I don't have this `Woorin' font you are actually using but maybe this
causes problems too.

> I wonder why lilypond doesn't find any fonts beneath
> /usr/local/texlive/2007/*

You have to configure the `fontconfig' library to look there for fonts
too.  Maybe it's simpler to create symlinks...

> -- even though it is embedded in latex?

LaTeX uses a complete different mechanism to locate fonts (the
`kpathsea' library).

> And especially it converted the default myoungjo into a 'sans serif'
> -- without "make-pango-font- tree"?  What am I supposed to enter for
> the "make-pango-font-tree" for the correct latex/CJK-fonts?

Here it is getting complicated.  In TeXLive, I've used the old HLaTeX
fonts which are a bunch pf subfonts with 256 glyphs each.  This is
something fontconfig doesn't handle.

> D) I did read all the stuff before. And it wouldn't help me much
> from becoming more confused~ E.g. lilypond is scanning the
> .tex-document and detects the Hangul auto- matically and converts it
> correctly. So why would it not be possible to specify a font
> /before/ the {lilypond}-block? ...

You have to use a Korean font which can be both accepted by LaTeX and
lilypond.  The simplest route is to use a TTF:

  . Put it into a directory where lilypond can find it (the default
    location in your GNU/Linux box should be just fine).

  . Put a symlink of this font into a directory where LaTeX can find
    it (an appropriate place within your TEXMF tree).

  . Call ttf2tfm (with proper options) to create a bunch of subfont
    TFMs in Unicode encoding.

  . Create a proper FD file for the CJK package (similar to

  . Register the TTF properly for dvipdfmx (and pdftex).

The use of CJK TrueType fonts with pdftex and dvipdfmx is extensively
documented in the file `doc/pdfhowto/HOWTO.txt' in the CJK package.

Another possibility is to use TTFs for lilypond and the same fonts
converted to PS Type 1 subfonts for LaTeX.  Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has provided the latter for the HLaTeX fonts
-- I think he has created Debian packages, but I don't know where you
can find it in the internet.

Look around in the forums provided by KTUG (the Korean TeX Users'
Group); you might also look up the archives of the CJK mailing list.

> At first: declaring s.th. else than
> \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj}
> simply does not work!

This is correct.  On TeXLive, there is only the `mj' font in Unicode

> And following the steps ".../latex/CJK/doc/CJK.txt|Korean input" I
> haven't been able neither to write a document with e.g.
> \begin{CJK}{KS}{mj}...\end{CJK} with/without [HL] nor to get any
> \CJKchar except with [UTF8]. -- How can I change from {UTF8}{mj} to
> ([HL]){KS}{pg}?

Well, `KS' is KS 5601 encoding, not Unicode!  You can use `iconv' to
convert between encodings.  However, since lilypond only understands
Unicode, this is not very useful here.

> And then, what's actually the difference between CJK.sty and
> CJKutf8.sty while anyway \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{mj} is used on my
> UTF8-system (well, e.g. CJK.sty shows no "ü")?

Uuh, we are far off-topic, I think.  The CJKutf8.sty uses the default
LaTeX support for Unicode encoding, trying CJK's Unicode support only
if LaTeX doesn't provide a default glyph for a particular Unicode

The CJK package doesn't do this; it simply takes the glyphs from the
font specified in the arguments to the `CJK' environment.

Follow-ups please to the CJK mailing list.

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