> I therefore successfully integrated all that hlatex-stuff into my
> texlive.  At first it seemed to work fine -- until some small
> disadvantages came up (e.g. emphasized Latin appear slanted and not
> italic, ther's no use of T1- fonts like marvosym, pifont,
> latexsym,...

What exactly do you mean?  HLaTeX, as far as I know, provides a
complete `HFSS' (Hangul Font Selection System) for Korean which should
not interact with non-Korean typesetting.

> The functionality of CJK/CJKutf8 is quite impressive.  But I
> switched to hlatex for a particular document now mainly because I
> couldn't access any hlatex-fonts and wasn't able to change the
> encoding either.

The easiest thing for us (especially for me :-) is that you provide a
real example attached to a mail (so that the encoding of the document
doesn't get mangled).  Old HLaTeX fonts are in EUC-KS encoding, while
the newer ones use Unicode only, IIRC.  So where's the problem with
CJKutf8 and/or CJK?

> After mispending hours on trying musixtex, I copied that
> lilypond-code into a new tex-file which uses CJK.sty -- et viola --
> it works (for now). I really produced some snippets of staffs and
> notes :)


> Well, I still have to 'clean' them and, in the following I'll add
> the lyrics.  When everything is OK, I'll convert the resulting
> .eps-files into jpeg, paste them into my hlatex-document and make
> that a pdf. A bit complicated but better than nothing.

Hmm.  You might contact the HLaTeX maintainers directly.

> Unfortunately there's another small problem with CJK.sty (or say
> more likely with my brain~). Until now, though I seemingly got all
> necessary fonts, I've still been able to use only the default font
> myoungjo (mj) for Korean.  But because I prefer pilgi (pg) for
> typesetting the lyrics here -- what can I do?

You mean the lyrics used in the music snippets?  Assuming that you use
2.11.xx or 2.10.xx, this is no longer controlled by TeX but by
LilyPond, so you have to look up LilyPond's documentation how to
change the font.  Otherwise, please send an example.


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