Hello Werner,

nice to read from you :)

> > Unfortunately, this is impossible because lilypond-book invokes
> > "latex" only but, I need it to run "lambda", so the mess showed up
> > with the "no files output"-error only!
> Indeed, the use of `latex' is hard-coded currently.  While lambda is a
> rather dead end, users might become interested in using XeTeX.  This
> is worth a bug report IMHO.

I've been thinking about that, too.

> You might try my CJK package for standard LaTeX instead...
> The CJK package comes with UTF-8 support.  On TeXLive, some standard
> Korean fonts (taken from an older version of HLaTeX) have been
> provided both for KS encoding and UTF-8 (using virtual fonts for
> that).

Yes, I used it in the beginning; but as you wrote in the 
latex/CJK/doc/CJK.txt|Korean input "CJK does not emulate the behaviour of 
HLaTeX, it only supports its fonts." I therefore successfully integrated all 
that hlatex-stuff into my texlive. At first it seemed to work fine -- until 
some small disadvantages came up (e.g. emphasized Latin is shown slanted and 
not italic, ther's no use of T1-fonts like marvosym, pifont, latexsym,... and 
now the same with lilypond; hopefully someday a genius will solve all of it 
within latex3 ;) ).

The functionality of CJK/CJKutf8 is quite impressive. But I switched to hlatex 
for a particular document now mainly because I couldn't access any hlatex-fonts 
and wasn't able to change the encoding either. (But this will probably be 
discussed at another forum ;) ) With hlatex I got all fonts now and 
additionally Korean formatting abilities. So I'll continue to write the 
document with hlatex. Nevertheless, I got another idea: 

After mispending hours on trying musixtex, I copied that lilypond-code into a 
new tex-file which uses CJK.sty -- et viol`a -- it works (for now). I really 
produced some snippets of staffs and notes :)
Well, I still have to 'clean' them and, in the following I'll add the lyrics. 
When everything is OK, I'll convert the resulting .eps-files into jpeg, paste 
them into my hlatex-document and make that a pdf. A bit complicated but better 
than nothing.

Unfortunately there's another small problem with CJK.sty (or say, more likely 
with my brain~). Until now, though I seemingly got all necessary fonts, I could 
still use only the default font myoungjo (mj) for Korean. But because I prefer 
pilgi (pg) for typesetting the lyrics here -- what can I do?

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