On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:24:51AM +0100, Magni Onsoien wrote:
> What about changing the rule about male postings to the list: "men OK,
> but keep in mind that you're in a forum which is largely for women. On
> techtalk we'd prefer that men don't post an answer before a day after the
> original post" (or something like that, probably written by soneone
> who's native language is English :))?

I prefer the rules that Linuxchix has at the moment:
1) Be polite
2) Be helpful
actually. Perhaps in the issues FAQ, or even in posts to techtalk, there
could be a discussion on men's and women's approach to demonstration of
knowledge and ignorance.

See, I think the men on the techtalk list are really very polite and
helpful :) and I don't want to scare off friendly men who are willing to

Perhaps we should try the approach where the knowledgable women on the
list make a concious effort to answer more often.

And also, if a woman posts 'I'm not sure if this is right' and she is,
post agreement. This way, you encourage continued posting.


Mary Gardiner
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