> Jenny Brown (was Gable) wrote:
> > To that extent, it's been somewhat helpful, but not as much as
> > I expected.  Mainly, I think, it's because I see women asking
> > questions and guys answering... and they're still the experts...
> > It's hard to summarize though because there just hasn't been
> > that much traffic.
> (laughs)
> I've a tendancy to not-answer unless I am absolutely certain I 
> know the answer, or there's not been an answer for 12 hours or so.
> So if the guys don't have those hesitations, and other women do
> the same thing I do... that's why it seems to be guys answering.

What about changing the rule about male postings to the list: "men OK,
but keep in mind that you're in a forum which is largely for women. On
techtalk we'd prefer that men don't post an answer before a day after the
original post" (or something like that, probably written by soneone
who's native language is English :))?

Why? Well, there is a tendency that lots of the questions on techtalk
are answered by men. And as some people have said, when they are in
doubt about answering (because they don't have time right now, because
they are not 100% sure about the answer, because the just have a
"feeling" about what the problem and thus the solution may be etc), they
will wait and see if it still remains unanswered after a while. If it
doesn't, they don't post -> man actually dominated the answers on
techtalk. So I think that by postponing men's answers, we may increase
the female part of techtalk quite a lot (and that's not because I expect
the total number of postings to decrease).

(Of course I may be wrong and postings to techtalk will remain
unanswered if men are foced to wait, but actually I don't think so. And
I don't mean that men aren't allowed to answer questions already
answered by a woman - they should just wait a little.)

The Linuxchix lists are actually female lists, and I don't really think
men will feel discriminated against just because they aren't welcome to
send their mails to such a list until 24 hours have passed.

(Am I lucky that the linuxchix-lists are non-flaming areas? ;))

Magni :)
sash is very good for you.

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