Laurel Fan wrote:

> Excerpts from linuxchix: 21-Mar-101 Re: [issues] Conversation m.. by
> > I've a tendancy to not-answer unless I am absolutely certain I
> > know the answer, or there's not been an answer for 12 hours or so.
> >
> > Can anyone explain to me why I do that?
> Maybe because if there's a reasonable chance that someone else knows
> the answer, and there's a reasonable chance that you aren't right, the
> 'rational' choice is to wait and see if other people do know the
> answer?

Hi, Laurel,

Exactly!  (Well... at least for me.)  I know there are lots of times
I think I might have a clue but I'm not 100% sure, and I am pretty
confident that somebody on the list just *has* to know better than I do.
Usually there really is someone like that.


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