how about we all make a deal with each other?  we WILL post possible
answers.  if the answer isnt correct, we will learn from corrections. 
NO ONE will bash anyone else for having been wrong.
think about it.. the people who matter in this list are the women,
because in a lot of ways we lack a safe forum elsewhere.  so if the men
start yelling at us or teasing us for saying something that was wrong,
then cant we just remove them from the list?
and cant we, as women, attempt to trust each other not to insult or
harrass us for mistakes?  because the only way we learn is trying.  and
sometimes there is more than one way to do things.  so even if your
answer is different from what other people say, it isnt necessarily
wrong. also with all the different distros and configurations, what
works on one system might not work on another.  i ahve a red hat and a
suse system now.  suse is scary btw and i hate it.  but what i would
know to do on red hat might not help at all  on a debian. but i dont
think you girls would call me an idiot if i, for example, didnt know
that debian runs .deb instead of rpms...

okay.. it hink im babbling incoherantly again. ive been doing too much
guadec planning.

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