Excerpts from linuxchix: 21-Mar-101 Re: [issues] Conversation m.. by
> I've a tendancy to not-answer unless I am absolutely certain I 
> know the answer, or there's not been an answer for 12 hours or so.
> Can anyone explain to me why I do that?

Maybe because if there's a reasonable chance that someone else knows
the answer, and there's a reasonable chance that you aren't right, the
'rational' choice is to wait and see if other people do know the

It's really difficult to tell whether you're overconfident or
underconfident (and it can be different in different situations).  The
only real way to find out is to keep track of how certain you are that
you're right, and how often you actually are right (and actually keep
track, since most people that are over- or under- confident will
subconciously forget outcomes that don't fit their confidence level
(which is probably why they're over- or under- confident)).

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