>It's not that -- someone want to make some (non-adult, preferably, as
>that's my area of most annoyance) themes, make some screenshots with
>windows containing semi-naked males and see what happens?
I could dig that. Although not anything besides hetero (I know, boring) I
can fully appreciate a guy's body. Just label it as such.
Besides, define 'adult'.
>Even better, make some screenshots with windows containing something good
>and feminist...hmm...somewhere here I have a really good design from a
>lesbian avengers' banner ages ago..-- the bomb in the middle, lesbian
>avengers on the outside...'snatch the power' along the bottom...if anyone
>wants to borrow it, toss me an email ;)
Oh Lord...Like a 'feminist' banner has to be something lesbian-centric, or
something man-bashing? Wasn't feminism going for something like equal
treatment, instead of 'proving we can be as lame as men'?
*donning flameproof suit*
>Maybe I should learn how to make a theme and pull off my own experiements
>because I will bet that there will be interesting outroar...
Do it, show us how cool you can be.
/////You've had a visitation by...\\\\\\
And he's got painted toenails...
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