> Steve Kudlak wrote:
> > I wrote:
> > > 2. I was unclear with 'primarily interested in sex (or mate location)'. No,
> > > I was not saying that are the same activity, but they are the two primary
> > > goals of people at a certain stage of life.
> > Brief Answer, well it's sort of brief. Well one thing that should be explained
> > is the "once English becomes an International Language:) it will have
> > flavours."  Mate is Australian Slang for companions of either sex. Sort of  like
> > your "buds"  in American English slang. American English uses "mate" to mean
> > lover, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend and stuff like that. So "mate
> > selection" means finding one of the above and not finding a friend or companion
> > even a close one.
> Now you're making me REALLY embarassed. I'm Australian - and I meant 'mate' as
> in
> mate (n): one of a pair, esp of birds; fitting partner in marriage
> (taken from the Concise Oxford dictionary)
> > I guess I would less like to see, if I answered truly,  more of a science
> > fiction convention flavour. Certainly not a "beer babe/beer commercial flavour".
> > Sort of more accepting,  and less assuming, and not artificially sterlized. Sort
> > of a happy medium for all these things. As I said, in the previous posting, it
> > is the meanness masquerading as toughness that sets me off. Oh well...
> Yes. I'd like the SF-convention sort of thing, myself. Where you DO get the
> polite spouse-hunting or casual-partner-hunting, but the etiquette tends to
> encourage people to be polite about it, dammit!
> Although as *I* said in a previous post, even in SF groups you do get people
> assuming that a pretty female is someone's spouse/partner/whatever, and not
> interested in and of themselves. Especially a female who happens to be with
> a male fan - Dancer and I are both geeks, and both go. I have to start hitting
> people with fluent geekspeak to get accepted, sometimes.
> Jenn V.
> --
>   Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
>      for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman        http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

I know this is kind of gross. But I quoted the whole thing, it is such a fun reply. I
am LOL. Yeah Australian Friends used to say things: "A Mate of yours came looking for
you..." Yeah, the Science Fiction Convention atmosphere is nice. And I admit when I
was totally alone (I'll leave that glossed...:) I tended to look for women of my
prefrence type, which is a mix of things...But it was polite.

The important point is that in that atmosphere "fleunt geekspeak" does do the trick
most of the time. Of course then you might have some hanging for advice. :) If you are
on a construction project it is harder and one does get harassed.

Close Friend of Mine :) does this and in Ohio of all places, and she does have to demo
he skills a bit, and the intro was a little weird for her to a new project. But
Science Fiction conventions are nice for that.

But I like it, you have me ROTFL and smiling. This puts me in a better mood. Oh well,
I guess I'll try and shut up for awhile.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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