On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Jernej Zajc wrote:
> > I
> > believe there needs to be a change in the horny-male-geeks-only atmosphere
> > that's awfully pervasive.  I'm tired of being asked whether I'm a
> > perky-breasted-Linux-chick, and I'm tired of endless references to penises
> > and to porn in Linux-related irc channels.
> What about changing your nick?

Changing my nick is not an option.  I am proud of who I am; I am proud to
be a female linux user.  If it's true that women get treated badly on
occasion by male linux users, why is the correct solution that the women
go underground?  Why should we just accept the world as it is?  When I
walk by a construction site and some boorish worker makes a lewd remark,
should I start disguising myself as a man? Or do I get to turn around,
face him as myself and say, "f*ck you - you're a sexist ape." I'm not
censoring, I'm reserving my right to fire back.  I say it's ok to feel
angry, I say it's ok to shout at the top of my lungs and rant all I want.
That's my fair portion of free speech.  So don't tell me to go hide and
suck it up.

I don't think that declaring sexist comments and actions as
protected under "freedom of speech" makes them any less hurtful.  Free 
speech gives me the right to tell the actors I don't like what they have
to say.  


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