>perky-breasted-Linux-chick, and I'm tired of endless references to penises >and to porn in Linux-related irc channels. I can respect your rant, but like most things in this life that cannot be changed, something my grandmother said seems to ring true: "Just deal with it." What does it matter that you're a woman? I know plenty of women who have "lusty" pictures of women on their computer. It has to do with who you are, and what you do and don't want to see. That's all, deal with that issue as opposed to going on a rampaging rant. There should be better segregation of themes, deal with that on a "webmaster" level. /////You've had a visitation by...\\\\\\ Brendan/Coolian And he's got painted toenails... Visit Direct Vein Access *Newly Redone* http://www.thecia.net/users/coolian [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Deb Richardson
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] Screenshots jenn
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Brendan/Coolian
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Steve Kudlak
- Re: [issues] Screenshots jenn
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Steve Kudlak
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Brendan/Coolian
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Vinnie Surmonde
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Brendan/Coolian
- RE: [issues] Screenshots Rikki McGinty
- RE: [issues] Screenshots Vinnie Surmonde
- Metadiscussion (was: Re: [issues] Scree... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: Metadiscussion (was: Re: [issu... Brendan/Coolian
- Re: Metadiscussion (was: Re: [issu... Deb Richardson
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Vinnie Surmonde
- Re: [issues] Screenshots Laurel Fan