> I've goofed twice in this thread, for which I apologise.
> 1. I used 'older, wiser' - I intended 'more mature, wiser' in the sense of
> 'possessed of a greater maturity level'. Apology.
> 2. I was unclear with 'primarily interested in sex (or mate location)'. No,
> I was not saying that are the same activity, but they are the two primary
> goals of people at a certain stage of life.
> What I intended to convey was my experience that people (of either gender)
> hunting for either goal tend to get easily distracted from other activities.
> They can also (correctly or not) tend to assume that others are equally
> interested in those activities.
> This is NOT a bad thing! It's just a thing that is.
> As always: IMO. YMMV.
> Jenn V.
> --
>   Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
>      for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman        http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

Brief Answer, well it's sort of brief. Well one thing that should be explained
is the "once English becomes an International Language:) it will have
flavours."  Mate is Australian Slang for companions of either sex. Sort of  like
your "buds"  in American English slang. American English uses "mate" to mean
lover, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend and stuff like that. So "mate
selection" means finding one of the above and not finding a friend or companion
even a close one.

As a verb "to mate" is the closest thing that in American English has to other
languages have to "this means animal sex".  Still it does not carry the "animal
stigma" that "you don't say this about people..." sort of thing. Someone was
confused and asked that question.

Note, where I saw the most pictures of  "babes" (both guys and girls) was in the
College Universe. So it was guys who had most pictures of "babes" on the wall.
But lots of grrls had them too. Sort of "buff movie actors" sort of thing. It
was mildly intimidating. In that environment it was also a
"girlfriend/boyfriend" detector. The girlie or guysie(is that a word) posters
came down the minute one had to use a friend's term: "caught a mousie..."

Your points are well taken, when one gets into "gotta have a
girlfriend/boyfriend" or mate (to use American English)" then it gets kind of
sort of weird and simple minded. If  you are not in that sort of  mode then it
is different.

I guess I would less like to see, if I answered truly,  more of a science
fiction convention flavour. Certainly not a "beer babe/beer commercial flavour".
Sort of more accepting,  and less assuming, and not artificially sterlized. Sort
of a happy medium for all these things. As I said, in the previous posting, it
is the meanness masquerading as toughness that sets me off. Oh well...

                                                Have Fun,
                                                Sends Steve

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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