Hi Viktor

> IMO HBIDE should offer Harbour standards as default
> and let user override it.

I totally agree.

> Besides duplicating efforts and losing focus, it also
> make HBIDE heavier and heavier, and I'm not sure it's
> good idea to pull in large amount of unnecessary
> code into memory just to edit source files.
> The last message I just throw some ideas as I wrote on the bottom of
original message. For my personal use, HbIDE should have a damn good editor
and debugger.

Definition of damn good:
* all needed features to edit *code*
* help to edit code (code and symbol completion, parameters tips,
conversions, some code generation, suggestions, etc)
* tools to search and navigate through code easily and fast way
* don't be intrusive
* have every tool in hand (mainly by keyboard)
* totally configurable
* have predicable ways, consistency
* be extensible
* be stable and reliable
* others points that I don't remember now :-)

[]'s Maniero
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