Antonio Maniero wrote:
> Read

BTW what part of the artical is relevant to what follows ?
Is it ti guide me, what objects are, and, how to program them 
or how should these behave ?

> HbIDE have a lot of inconsistencies. 

Well, the word "inconsistencies" is a relevant term.
It is relevant to "what one is used to" and what he encounters
somewhere which is not similar to "he is used". So, in this 
context what you see as an "inconsistency" may be a feature for other.

> Toolbar, menu and shortcuts need to
> consistent. If you keep each method isolated, always you will have
> inconsistencies. This is valid for Windows buttons too. Close by window's
> close button has a different behavior form other close triggers such as
> menu
> f.e..

Yes, they are. 
The "close X" button is a generic one and is present on any window visible
on the desktop. It is usual that at some point of time one accidently clicks
hbIDE's X whereever his aim was another window but he could not recognize
as hbIDE was partially covered by some other one. So the alert is issued 
if he is not making a mistake. Contray to this Menubar->Files->Exit option
and "Exit" icon on the toolbar is specific to hbIDE only and user will ever
click them knowingly, so no alert.

This is a design-time consideration and well thought-of feature.

> All toolbar, and by ALL I mean top toolbar, right toolbar and left toolbar
> is in static place. I think ALL components should be dockable.

This again is a design-time thought-of implementation.
I do not want it to get "displaced" by the user and always have 
them handy and at the same place for easy and fast access.

> Editors, Skeletons, Projects and Output panel are not detachable. This is
> what I said last week.

These can be floatable, though, persoanlly I do not like them to hang
anywhere because of always-available-same position.
Subject to group decision.

> All panels detached (not docked) lost visibility when HbIDE is closed and
> opened again.

Yep, this should be like this. I will implement.
Subject to group decision.

> For some panels should be modal windows like you done right with Keyboard
> Mapping panel, Tool and Utilities (although it can open just by toolbar):
> Project Properties (should be open by Project menu)
> Compiler Environments
> Theme Manager
> Code Skeletons
> Last three should be Setup options like KB Mapping and Tool&Util.

It is OK both ways, what is the harm in current implementation ?

> Editor as a panel? I don't think so. A menu and/or a drop down button on
> tab
> bar is more appropriate.

No, I find it more convinient than menus.

> Tool&Util button has a drop down menu. His broken. If none tools had been
> configured yet, grey the drop down part of the button.

Yes, it should be like this, but I could not find how to do it in Qt.

> Last button from KB Mapping panel shows somethig like this to me: .:aveA:.
> where I presume should be SaveAs. Don't be cheap with button width.

May be your system is configured for some other theme, on mine
I see it in proper. Anyway it is a few minutes job to increase the size, 
will be there in next commit.

> Project Properties -> general is anchored by bottom and vertical alignment
> is centered. Don't do that, It's ugly when you resize to show more height
> to
> window.

Good observation, I will fix it.

> Find in Files panel looses his position after HbIDE be closed.

I could not follow you, please explain a bit more.

> When I reopen HbIDE it's never maximized whatever how I left last time.

It opens in the last exit state always, even if you closed it maximized.
What is your point exactly ?

> Panels floating in my secondary monitor are not dockable. For my personal
> need and I think many others programmers, working with 2 monitors is a
> must
> have. For me, implement multi monitor support is a must have for any
> professional IDE.

Are you saying that when docking widget are tried to be placed on 2nd
you cannot do so ? Or, when placed on 2nd and you exit hbIDE, these are 
not opened at the same 2nd monitor ? I did not experiment yet, but I think 
you can place them on 2nd monitor

> Command impossible to be select should be grayed on menu and button and
> disabled on keyboard.

Yes, this should be like this. But because of multi-panel/multi source
instances, I could not achieve this in transparent way.

> View menu use to be next to Edit menu.

No, it must be one before "Help" always.

> It's confusing see -1, -2, -3, etc on sub-menu of Encoding menu. Or use
> complete name or just the number without "hyphen".

This is read as ISO 8859-13,  ISO 8859-14, etc. So I kept it like -n 
Anyway it is not an issue at all.

> Word Wrap (auto line break) is absolutely necessary (and I know this is
> hard
> to be done accordingly).

If I am understnding you properly, are you saying in editing instances 
word-wrap should be "ON" ? I did not see any programming editor having 
this feature. And if some editor has it, I cannot imagine how it will 
work for a programmer. Please support your logic.

> Nice touch highlighting each 10 line numbers, I don't remember to have
> seen
> this before. Now you can put a column numbers bar (horizontal rule).

Column number bar will be a nice addition. I will try.

> I think is unnecessary say that column mode is broken for now, but nice to
> try.

It is not "broken". 
It is just not implemented.

> Double click on a function name (on functions list panel) should jump to
> function declaration. (or I miss something)

Not probably. It should jump to function body.

> How I can delete a view?

Not implemented yet. Will do it soon.

> Why toggle mark command is only on toolbar?

Where it should be another place ?

> What's Toggle Animation? I have no animation, good luck for me :-) I don't
> want animation on my IDE.

May be word "animation" is wrong.
Try it and have an eye on menu-bar, tool-bars, you will see the gradient

> About zoom I get this from your website:
> "Note that there is no way of returning back to original font. The only
> way
> to achieve so is either close the instance and open again or re-run
> hbIDE."
> Why? This is absolutely necessary.

Ok, I will implement.

> Why hbide.ini file has "cryptographic" information?

Because of application settings are stored in this format 
by Qt itself. Initially these settings were being stored in separate 
file but due some concerns raised on the list, I clubbed them into one.
At times, it is problematic as Qt tends to do so in a buggy way.

> I hope to can write more tomorrow.

It is a nice experience, keep on writing.

> And I got this error when I open an specific .prg
> ---------------------------
> Run-time Error!
> ---------------------------
> Error BASE/1004  No exported method: PPTR
> Called from PPTR(0)
> Called from ASCAN(0)
> Called from (b)XBPLISTBOX_CREATE(0)
> Called from XBPLISTBOX:CLEAR(0)
> Called from HBIDE:UPDATEFUNCLIST(1230)

Looking at it. 
Actually I restructured XbpListBox() from bottom-up yesterday.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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