> I entrust you can do this very well. Just maintain a list what is missing
> and required,
> and chances are I will implement them as soon as possible.
> The only problem I can't schedule to you.

> > Include line numbers configuration in theme manager.
> >
> Is already there.
> Just background color is there, not the number and round numbers (10,20,
30, etc). I think you should overhaul Theme Manager to allow change
background color for any item just like all other IDEs. An item on theme is
a text element like any other. Text element has font type, size, color, bg
color, italic tag, bold tag, underline tag, etc)

> Edit:
> Spaces to Tabs                        =   Tabs to spaces is useful and is
> implemented, why this is needed ?
For same reason that spc->tab is needed. To meet all programmers need not
just the ones using spaces for tabulation.

> Low->Upcase                           =  Is already there.
> Up->Lowcase                           =  Is already there.

Is it in new release?

> > Option to use tabs or spaces (number of columns or spaces configurable).
> >
> A candidate for final "Setup" dialog, I have put it to last.
> But probably we must not go towards <Tab> inculsion. Many of the
> repositories are immune to it. Also we do not advocate it in Harbour SVN.
> If HbIDE don't have this feature it will be the only one in the market.

> Yes, and a must have, and is on my todo list.
> But before I start, we must be very clear how and where the backups
> will saved. So far I am not been able to devise a proper location.
> Remember, hbIDE is a Project Builder and Text Editor two in one,
> Projects are independant of editing sessions, though I save a source
> if it falls in included project(s) before building.
> I totally agree.

> > Usage Search (context menu) to find usage locations from a function.
> >
> Please be more subjective, I am unable to follow this point.
> You can point and right-click on a name function (a call or declaration)
and the IDE find all calls used on entire project. To know where a function
was used is essential to refactoring. And Logic to build function list put
us on more than half way to implement usage search. Without go deep on code
I think this feature will be very ease to be implemented.

> > Copy to Clipboard with formation (keeping syntax highlite).
> >
> Where this information will be used ?
> Syntax highlighting are a rule and not an attribute of text itself.
> Yes, if we know the target where it will be used, we will encapsulate
> thus target to honot syntax-highlighting rules.
> To post on a blog, to create a document. Put on RTF format is my guess.
Should be target independent, export to clipboard with formatting is IDE
problem only.

> > Full screen mode.
> >
> This works fine on my machine, anybody else with this issue ?
> How I can toggle HbIDE to Full Screen mode?

> > GoTo/View Declaration (context menu, maybe opening a new tab or splitting
> > editor) When parameters tips is not enough.
> >
> Detail this again.
> You point and right-click a name function (just on calls) and you see the
function declaration (implementation) on a new tab or on a splitted editor.

> > Show file size and other properties of current file on status bar.
> >
> If you inspect Status-bar, it is already cluttered.
> What other properties of the current file should go there ?
> I agree. Maybe just file size is ok. Let's gonna think about improved the
Project explorer to put more information about the files.

In name of flexibility status bar items need to be configurable. Many items
there is useless for me but others is needed. The user should choose the
right items for him. This is turns status bar more useful to individuals
reducing the clutter.

> > Task/ToDo List
> >
> Implementation details ?
> Not important now but is a simple list of items to help organize thew user
workflow. Later HbIDE could scan project to find comments with tags TODO,
FIXIT, DOCUMENTIT, etc to fill task list automatically. The first step is
allow user add his own tasks. This is a simple data entry in browser mode
with two or three fields (Description, the type of task and maybe the
Not a core feature.

> > Clipboard manager
> >
> Please explain .
> Allow multiple items on clipboard. Windows Clipboard has only one item,
application should implement its own clipboard manager to allow multiple
items. Manager should allow the user access any items easily and should have
a box to manage the items.
Do you have the MS-Word?

> > While debugger is not possible, put a BreakPoint in code (Just an
> implicit
> > AltD(), right?)
> > Just to you think :-) Historical Debug AKA Time-Machine Debug AKA
> > Intellitrace
> >
> No, I could not follow you.
> First part or second part?

The second one is almost a joke. This is relatively new technology. It's
very hard to implement although I think not so much to Harbour. But first we
need to have a solid traditional debugger.

> > Sticky notes
> >
> Implementation details.
> Not a priority. It's a Post-it to take some notes about the project not
appropriate to comments. For individual use.

> Database editor
> Implementation details ?
> To far future. In simple words, a fancy and multi target DBU.

> > HbIDE have command line options?
> >
> hbide hbide.ini
> hbide someproject.hbp
> hbide someproject.hbp somesource1.prg ...
> hbide somesource1.prg ...
> And switches?

> I wanna see some refactoring on code to make HbIDE more extensible
> friendly.
> I like to see an API.
> </quite>
> Building blocks are already there. Keyboard Macros! Can be extended any
> length.
The code need to be more friendly to any programmer call some functions to
extend IDE's functionality. HbIDE should be a public and stable API to users
extend IDE easily. Something like a plugin system, but because the open
nature of project, more flexible and more simple.

I have difficulties to write in English so I need to write less than I would
like and I write wrongly more than I would like.
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