Antonio Maniero wrote:
>> Like some situations I already posted before and you put in your todo
>> list.
> I have a crash trying close a split editor but I can't reproduce it again.

May be at those points you needed a re-build of hbQT.
This is some factor I could never control from inside hbIDE.

> When split editor vertically or horizontally pops a lot of problems with
> cursor, scrollbar and H/V rule marks.

This is now another issue, not related with crash.

>> Sometimes works sometimes doesn't. I can say when (or why) doesn't work.
>> I
> will post here when I get a clue about it. Anyway HbIDE should persist
> tags
> in some way. Everytime I start HbIDE I need to retag. I never see this
> behavior in any code editor.

It persists.

You need to re-tag only when you add a new project or 
there are heavy changes in your code. Recommened course is 
to re-tag every week to be on the safer side.

Anyway, I admit that it needs a reworked approach.

One such refinment I commintted some hours before.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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