Antonio Maniero wrote:
> When creating a new project, ask to create a folder instead to show error
> when a folder doesn't exist.

Done. r14510?

> Create a option to enable a "x button" on tabs to close it or a unique "x
> button" which will be close the current tab or keep without "x button".


> Need context menu to so many objects that I let to later an extensive
> list.
> First suggestion is to enable on tabs (look to your browser to give you
> some
> ideas beyond close action).

I did try my level best but Qt does not provide the construct on the widget
I am constructing tab-bar. Still on the lookout.

> Please review some modal windows about anchors. One example: Theme manager
> has anchor on top and bottom. I use it almost maximized on height and it
> looks ugly.


> When I was looking for line number bg color, a color (light orange was in
> button), I choose none color and my bg color on line numbers got this
> color.
> The color button should shows the current color always.


> Tab order on project properties is skipping some input boxes.

I could not follow it. What you mean "skipping" ?

> File picker dialog box should preserve last location (optionally).

Done. r14510?

> I can't dock a panel where I want. I can floating a panel or dock it in
> original place.


> Code completation need improvements to suggest local variables, Harbour's
> functions, etc. and suggest completation to parameters.

TODO: it has to be reworked in a big way. Later this month.

> Change in setup or window position need to be save immediately, at least
> until HbIDE be stable.

Can you explain what constitute it to be unstable?
I think it should be saved via a menu option instead of auto because 
of the fact that in the lifetime of current run there are numerous actions
become eligible for such action. hbIDE.ini saves a lot other info which 
is made available only on exit.

> File toolbar should be able to turns off like the others toolbars.

Already Done.

> Sometimes double-click on Function List window doesn't jump to function
> declaration.

Yep, I have also noticed but have not deeply worked on it, later.

> Goto Function on context menu doesn't jump to function declaration as you
> stated.

You must not be following the exact sequence. It works. Please 
re-read the ChangeLog entry. I will update online docs soon.

> .T., .F., Nil, etc. are not keywords?

Done, but in a partial manner. Lexer does not recognize dots before 
and after a word as a composite word.

> Project Explorer need to allow multiple files selection to open.

You means <Properties Dialog><Sources> tab ? It does.

> Look lines 366 and 380 of idetags.prg using HbIDE. The parser needs more
> work.

I think you have examined it deeply, please forward the patch.

> Sometimes Functions List is highlighting wrong function name.

Will work later this month.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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