The remaining points:
Command impossible to be select should be grayed on menu and button and 
disabled on keyboard. 
Yes, this should be like this. But because of multi-panel/multi source
instances, I could not achieve this in transparent way. 
To be experimented.

Nice touch highlighting each 10 line numbers, I don't remember to have seen 
this before. Now you can put a column numbers bar (horizontal rule). 
Column number bar will be a nice addition. I will try. 

I think is unnecessary say that column mode is broken for now, but nice to
It is not "broken". 
It is just not implemented. 

How I can delete a view? 
Not implemented yet. Will do it soon. 

Why toggle mark command is only on toolbar? 
Where it should be another place ? 

Why hbide.ini file has "cryptographic" information? 
Because of application settings are stored in this format 
by Qt itself. Initially these settings were being stored in separate 
file but due some concerns raised on the list, I clubbed them into one. 
At times, it is problematic as Qt tends to do so in a buggy way. 
If group decided I would like it to be in another file.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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