Antonio Maniero wrote:
> I think you need to keep an informal roadmap with features which not be
> implemented very soon. You implement many features in hours or days, but
> some of them need too much time and an informal roadmap would be useful.
> But
> this is your call only, I just gave a idea.

When we started hbIDE project, there was no roadmap of any kind. It was a
in the dark. xMate was/is my only source or tips and I followed it closely
implementing the extra features as I thought were appropriate and others 
suggested on the list.

Now it is almost usable, in fact I have put my production projects onto
altogether, and only visit xMate where intensive column based copy/paste is 
required, and hence we can draft a roadmap now.

I entrust you can do this very well. Just maintain a list what is missing
and required,
and chances are I will implement them as soon as possible.

> Some random ideas not organized in any way (not my
> priorities neither the easiest feature comes first):

So these become a part of roadmap. You need to compile on a 
periodical basis what is still left.

> About word wrapping: maybe you know this feature as line breaking, I think
> this term is more appropriate to programmers.

As already explained it needs a big overhaul, so a candidate for distant

> Toggle option to shows blank characters independently (space, tab, line
> feed, line break) and choose the character and color to shows.

Added to my todo list.

> Include line numbers configuration in theme manager.

Is already there.

> Code Folding.

Together with word-wrapping implementation as this also falls 
in that category.

Spaces to Tabs                        =   Tabs to spaces is useful and is
implemented, why this is needed ?
Trailing spaces                         =   Ok.
Low->Upcase                           =  Is already there.
Up->Lowcase                           =  Is already there.
Split, Join and swap lines            =  I need more input.
Duplicate selected lines (or text)  = duplicate current line is there,
selected text ?, ok will see.

> Option to use tabs or spaces (number of columns or spaces configurable).

A candidate for final "Setup" dialog, I have put it to last.
But probably we must not go towards <Tab> inculsion. Many of the 
repositories are immune to it. Also we do not advocate it in Harbour SVN.

> Encoding conversions.


> Backup policy configuration (HbIDE keep last N versions of file).

Yes, and a must have, and is on my todo list.
But before I start, we must be very clear how and where the backups 
will saved. So far I am not been able to devise a proper location. 
Remember, hbIDE is a Project Builder and Text Editor two in one,
Projects are independant of editing sessions, though I save a source
if it falls in included project(s) before building.

> Usage Search (context menu) to find usage locations from a function.

Please be more subjective, I am unable to follow this point.

> Copy to Clipboard with formation (keeping syntax highlite).

Where this information will be used ?
Syntax highlighting are a rule and not an attribute of text itself.
Yes, if we know the target where it will be used, we will encapsulate 
thus target to honot syntax-highlighting rules.

> Full screen mode.

This works fine on my machine, anybody else with this issue ?

> GoTo/View Declaration (context menu, maybe opening a new tab or splitting
> editor) When parameters tips is not enough.

Detail this again.

> Highlight current function on Function List panel.

implemented, will commit in a moment.

> Show file size and other properties of current file on status bar.

If you inspect Status-bar, it is already cluttered.
What other properties of the current file should go there ?

> I prefer Snippet term to Skeleton according to Viktor's view. Snippet is
> more standard term but I have no problem with Skeleton problem.
> I think Snippet/Skeleton placement need to be more smart but I will
> describe
> this later.

Yes, this is a bit of confusion for me too. I will change the texts to honor

> Task/ToDo List

Implementation details ?

> Clipboard manager

Please explain .

> While debugger is not possible, put a BreakPoint in code (Just an implicit
> AltD(), right?)
> Just to you think :-) Historical Debug AKA Time-Machine Debug AKA
> Intellitrace

No, I could not follow you.

> Sticky notes

Implementation details.

Database editor

Implementation details ?

> Macro recorder

I am thinking but so far no idea how I can accomplish it.

> HbIDE have command line options?

hbide hbide.ini
hbide someproject.hbp
hbide someproject.hbp somesource1.prg ...
hbide somesource1.prg ...

> Most of suggestions above are not my priority, I think editor and core
> should be the priority and I will try focused on it.

Well-said. But still it helps to keep in mind we have to implement them as

> Later this week I will write some suggestion about navigation code. This
> point need to be really improved.

Will be waiting.

I wanna see some refactoring on code to make HbIDE more extensible friendly.
I like to see an API.

Building blocks are already there. Keyboard Macros! Can be extended any

Thanks for such extensive input.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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