francesco perillo wrote:
> 1) is there some reason for having s_slots and s_events handled by the
> programmer and not hidden someway ?

Yes, because in Harbour we are calling Qt classes by function calls
instead of class/method calls. We cannot call Qt classes directly.
Though my explanation may appear a bit tough but this is how 
Harbour bindings for Qt are implemented. We are calling Qt classes
from PRG level and not from C++ level.

> 2) how can I translate 1:1 from c++
> QObject::connect( &quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), &a, SLOT(quit()) );
> to harbour/Qt ...

No, you cannot. This is not possible. Examine hbqt/hbqt_hbslots.cpp.

> I was translating some C++ sample code in order to do some basic tests
> and a simple 8 lines c++ code translated in 20 harbour lines including
> the handling of the s_slots variable.... Also, I could not translate
> the connect call - I know owr connect is better but how can I
> translate ?

As above.
You need to understand the whole mechanism adopted to bring 
Qt classes to PRG level, including but not limited, to know how 
C++ function wrappers work to pull/push Qt classes.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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