> Perhaps:
>  VAR events // in QApplication
> instead of:
>  STATIC s_events
> Former is much cleaner. QApplication class
> seems to be a requirement for any HBQT app
> so it seems doable.
> Anyway just ignore this like most other
> suggestions from me. For me it's not a problem.

Or please tell us clearly why this is not possible... I believe Qt is
a great "framework", a lot more than a framework and your work (hbide
for example) shows how powerfull it is. And more, Qt is really
documented: web sites, books and a lot of source code available to
study on.... and it is a REAL PLUS for a harbour gui framework

But if hbqt deviates too much from standard Qt.... a lot of docs won't
match, code portability from c++ will not be easy....
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