Hi All,

> I assume you have some framework in mind to achieve what you say.
> Do you ? If yes, please post the code here for review and if the group 
> agrees, we will follow that pattern. Also keep in mind that it must be 
> backward compatible.

I think until we have the basics right, it's not 
a reasonable goal to set current patterns or API 
in stone.

Unfortunately more and more code is created with 
current pattern, which makes it just more and more 
difficult to fix the basic problems in low-level 
code while keeping higher level code updated
(not to mention "invisible" for us code outside 
our SVN).

This has been exactly the problem I've been trying 
to shade a light on since many many months.

Bazaar is a nice thing, but if someone builds an Eiffel 
Tower on top of the bazaar, it's just not trivial 
to swap the foundation without troubling the Tower.

All this means that there is less and less chance 
(= more and more required effort) to ever make f.e. 
HBQT's memory management right, or to fix centralized 
slots system, just to name two crucial issues.

This in turn means that the original high expectations 
for HBQT becoming "the" GUI for Harbour are vanishing.

Given the effort put into this and the importance of 
a GUI in general, this is a pity.

It's my two cents.


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