Would be a good advice?
Translate text into English.
Then get the result and translate to original language.
IMHO, translation is good if you feel that the result can be understood in your
language. So post text in English.
AFAIK you can always duplicate the text in your language.
BTW, I don't know it's always possible in plain text.
¿Sería un buen consejo?
Trasladar el texto al inglés.
Luego coger :) el resultado y trasladarlo al idioma original.
En mi honesta opinión la traducción es buena si consideráis que el resultado se
puede entender en vuestro idioma. Así que
"postear" el texto en inglés.
Hasta donde yo sé siempre podéis duplicar el texto en el idioma original.
Por cierto, no sé si siempre es posible en texto plano.
Viktor Szakáts escribió:
I can agree with group about having one languages: English
but in new forum and in web site i suggest made strong visibility to
this multilanguage forum
I personal know same user that will never post a messages on English
forum, but Italian is small for harbour instead seem that
Spanish-Portuguese is very big
so we must reply at one question: How can post a problem an user that
not know English?
Directly he can't, and even if he could, who could answer?
For non-English speakers any small forum will be better than
a large English one, so IMO local user forums are the answer
With translation tools (like Google Translate), now it's
a realistic option for everyone to participate in a foreign
language environment. I can read Spanish and Portuguese
forums with the help of it, it's actually perfectly
usable. And I bet if I wanted to post a question, I could
translate my English question to Portuguese so that natives
understand it. It won't be pretty, but probably understandable.
I guess it's just a matter of time, when phpBB and similar
software will get an option "View in <n> language" on
their main screen.
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