> If you think, just go on and
> create these discussion forums as you think best.
> I've added you to the Admins group.

I will do some tests today and will report the results and questions
here in the list.

> I would "strongly deny" the use of every language different from english.
> I can't see the usefulness of a forum where core developers can't partecipate.


We need to define a unanimity into the forum to not turn it too
fragmented and too tired to read... An example of this [for me] is the
forum Fivetech what have many languages and sometimes you ask
something in English and is already answered in Spanish ... =(

In my opinion it is tiring, that you should be looking at various
places to see if already exists an answer to your question and I
believe that having a language by default, will be easier for all...
This would be an incentive for all to make efforts in order to
maintain a union in the group for the good of all.

Of course, this is only my opinion, what do you think?

Best regards,
Vailton Renato
Harbour mailing list

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