I can agree with group about having one languages: English
but in new forum and in web site i suggest made strong visibility to
this multilanguage forum
I personal know same user that will never post a messages on
English forum, but Italian is small for harbour instead seem that
Spanish-Portuguese is very big
so we must reply at one question: How can post a problem an user
that not know English?
Directly he can't, and even if he could, who could answer?
For non-English speakers any small forum will be better than
a large English one, so IMO local user forums are the answer
With translation tools (like Google Translate), now it's
a realistic option for everyone to participate in a foreign
language environment. I can read Spanish and Portuguese
forums with the help of it, it's actually perfectly
usable. And I bet if I wanted to post a question, I could
translate my English question to Portuguese so that natives
understand it. It won't be pretty, but probably understandable.
I guess it's just a matter of time, when phpBB and similar
software will get an option "View in <n> language" on
their main screen.
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