Hi Alex,
When I execute the code:

function Test1()
private OKBtn
  nLin = 30
  @ 020, nLin button m->OKBtn caption "Ok" ;
     size 080, 25 ;
     on click { || oForm:lResult := .t., EndDialog() }
  activate dialog oForm
return .t.

I get error. I only can execute with sucess:

static OKBtn // static in file level
function Test2()
  nLin = 30
  @ 020, nLin button OKBtn caption "Ok" ;
     size 080, 25 ;
     on click { || oForm:lResult := .t., EndDialog() }
  activate dialog oForm
return .t.

Can you correct this?
Very thanks!
Sérgio Kondo

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