GTWVT is technically GUI, but - what is more important -
it's not GUI in the sense of any end-users or "normal"
Harbour developers.

GTWVG IMO still needs heavy development to be used
in production environments, as I can make it crash and
behave strangely in just a few seconds of regular clicking.
It's a promising concept and lots of things are there,
but it misses yet the last mile in development which could
make it a safe choice and a mature GT. Unfortunately this
last mile sometimes takes lots of effort.

So, while IMO Harbour itself isn't GUI "out-of-the-box",
there exist several working and usable native GUI
3rd party addons. This is a fact which we may express
on the appropriate pages.


On 2008.10.31., at 10:10, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

GTWVT and GTWVG Are fist and second step of GUI

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Szakáts Viktor
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:24 PM
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Which "standard" GUI for Harbour

Hi Renato,

On 2008.10.30., at 20:49, Vailton Renato wrote:

I just can not commit to mount an example of each GUI because I am
busy with a few things about the company and the rest of the site
details ...

If someone wants to send me at least a few screens of sample I'll
create a page with information about this.

This if all find something viable ... but I can remove the end of the
header of the site too.

Harbour is not a GUI product right now so I'd vote to
not mention it specifically.

Later we can add such 3rd party, or GUI page if someone
provides the material, or you find time to do it, but
it's really just the cherry on top at this moment.


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