Looking at the source / samples, xhgtk looks very nice.
Looks like GTK+ can also run on OS X. There seem to
exist some immature and parallel efforts to make this
happen, some requiring X11, some running natively.
Overall, it's promising.
I wonder if it's possible to static link all GTK+
related stuff to a Windows executable? I simply detest
On 2008.10.30., at 12:48, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Maurizio la Cecilia
None of the existing GUI can be elected to a "standard".
What I meant was:
what we'll answer when a user will ask
"Which is the Harbour's GUI lib?"
Also in Java there are Swing, SWT and many others but if you buy a
book about Java you'll find that Swing IS the Java GUI for desktop
A choice is very hard and will result to disagree the developers that
don't use the elected one.
For elected I don't mean that everyone has to use it.
Simply that after saying "Harbour can create Terminal and GUI apps" we
need to add how it can do it. For terminals we've GT for GUI we have
... and saying "there are a lot of them choose the one you like" is
good for skilled Harbour users but not for a new user that is
evaluating it.
In HwGUI, i.e., this isn't true even if a great effort was done to
an high degree of compatibility between WinAPI and GTK.
Only a project giving strong headlines, including the type of
implementation and clear rules for syntax and behaviour of the code,
could interest the community of programmers currently developing GUI
Libraries, otherwise each developer will continue to talk his
This is why I think that xHGtk has more chances to survive than other
Following closely Gtk standards they somewhat inherited the doc, the
tools and the "already proven" from it.
A complex GUI lib without a clean architecture, a tutorial and
complete doc is hard to pick up unless there is an existing code base
that require it.
best regards,
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