
>> We are launching our new web site where we say "Terminal/GUI" but we
>> miss the ( full ) GUI part.
>> We can add a list of the several h*, x* and v* guis created so far for
>> Harbour but then we need to find answers to questions like "which is
>> the best?", "which one to choose?".
>> Clearly here the things become hard since we have both Linux and
>> Windows ( and few Mac ) users.
>> Options:
>> 1 - remove GUI from from the headlines and say "there are several GUIs
>> created..."
> We should probably do this.

In this case then we could put a page on the site with screenshots of
some applications (4 or 5) developed with the various GUIs available
and their respective links so that if someone is interested, can get
more details.

The idea behind the text at the top of the page is to bring the
attention that the Harbor have these options that may be the choice of
the developer as its necessity.

I think the ideal would be 'show' available resources and not hide,
thus showing how the project is flexible and robust.
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