Hi Lorenzo,

> We are launching our new web site where we say "Terminal/GUI" but we
> miss the ( full ) GUI part.
> We can add a list of the several h*, x* and v* guis created so far for
> Harbour but then we need to find answers to questions like "which is
> the best?", "which one to choose?".
> Clearly here the things become hard since we have both Linux and
> Windows ( and few Mac ) users.
> Options:
> 1 - remove GUI from from the headlines and say "there are several GUIs
> created..."

I think the better choice.
> 2 - pick up one of the already existing ones and "promote it" as the
> "default one"

None of the existing GUI can be elected to a "standard".
A choice is very hard and will result to disagree the developers that
don't use the elected one.

> 3 - create a new GUI as we like

An effort with an interesting target, but not so simple to make.
Is needed, as you say, a standard layer giving same interface in 
programming in all OSs and guaranting also that the identical result
will be taken in each environment.
In HwGUI, i.e., this isn't true even if a great effort was done to obtain
an high degree of compatibility between WinAPI and GTK.
Only a project giving strong headlines, including the type of
implementation and clear rules for syntax and behaviour of the code,
could interest the community of programmers currently developing GUI
Libraries, otherwise each developer will continue to talk his dialect.

The option 1, thus, is the quicker and not intrusive, but i hope that the
option 3 could have a future.

Best regards.

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