On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looking at the source / samples, xhgtk looks very nice.

I agree I also find it very clean and well coded ( at least at prg level ).
And if you try to use glade with it it seems even more interesting.
It gives the ( wrong ) idea that in few days you can rewrite everything :)

> Looks like GTK+ can also run on OS X. There seem to
> exist some immature and parallel efforts to make this
> happen, some requiring X11, some running natively.
> Overall, it's promising.

They seem not too far:

> I wonder if it's possible to static link all GTK+
> related stuff to a Windows executable? I simply detest
> .dlls.

I don't know, however I can say that since the gtk official site
delivery an all-in-one package for Win, life has become much easier.

best regards,
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