Looking at the source / samples, xhgtk looks very nice.

I agree I also find it very clean and well coded ( at least at prg level ).
And if you try to use glade with it it seems even more interesting.
It gives the ( wrong ) idea that in few days you can rewrite everything :)

:) I'll take a look at it.

BTW, it turned out that some of my clients _still_ use
Windows 95/98, so I had to step back to MSVS 2005 and
I'm blocked from using UNICODE and certain prebuilt
.dlls (anyway static linking is better, but it gives
many more things to maintain).

I envy developers who can exclusively target Linux.

[ I've also noticed that GCC 4.0.1 under OSX creates a much
optimal (smaller/faster) executable than MinGW 4.1.2
does under Windows. F.e. it looks like OSX GCC will compact
the Harbour symbol table, just like MSVC does on Windows.
MinGW doesn't do this, which makes it a suboptimal choice.

But, if a huge list of dependencies comes into the
picture, maybe MinGW turns out to be a better choice
than MSVC, despite being a bit larger faster, because
it may be better supported for external packages.

For sure I've dropped Borland completely, now the
competition is open between MinGW and MSVC 2005/2008. ]

Looks like GTK+ can also run on OS X. There seem to
exist some immature and parallel efforts to make this
happen, some requiring X11, some running natively.

Overall, it's promising.

They seem not too far:

Found it, I'll look into it further.

I wonder if it's possible to static link all GTK+
related stuff to a Windows executable? I simply detest

I don't know, however I can say that since the gtk official site
delivery an all-in-one package for Win, life has become much easier.

I've read the dependencies and it looks like a 1-2 weeks
job just to assemble everything under MSVC / GCC (for
static linking that is), well, in case there isn't any
showstoppers, ouch.. Smells like lot of work and/or
lots of compromises to make.


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