Hi All,
I'm developing an application right now, but, since the application must
be accessible to the general public via the web, I've decided to use
As an xBase programmer I feel very bad.
I could use Harbour CGI but, run binaries on web servers are not always
possible and not available at some hosting services (and IMHO a 'dying'
technology anyway).
Some time ago, in this list, someone (I not remember exactly who) said
something like that more important that GUIs for different platforms,
the web development must be one of the main interest in the future
Harbour development.
I absolutely agree with that, but I think that the approach should be a
quite different from the ones proposed here.
I guess that the web browsers should be considered as operating systems
(or platforms) by itself and that Harbour should be capable of
creating 'executables' for such platforms.
That means that Harbour should be capable of create JavaScript code.
I know that It could be tremendous effort to do such thing, that
JavaScript is extremely weak and limited compared with C, but as a first
goal for this project, only subset of current Harbour features could be
I'm not thinking in a VM wrote in JavaScript, but perhaps, a Harbour to
JavaScript translator could be a good idea.
Regarding GUI, interface objects defined via the Clipper 5.3 syntax
should be enough to satisfy most of usual needs on web development, so
old code could be reused with few changes.
Please, prior to consider this as a 'weird' idea, take a look at Google
web toolkit. It translates Java to JavaScript to create web
applications, so a Harbour to JavaScript translator could be not an
impossible task.
JavaScript run on any browser and browsers run on any operating system
(current and future) so the possibilities are unlimited, so we could
have our Harbour apps running on any device, current or future.
There was just some random thoughts from a Harbour user... I'll continue
writing my PHP app :)
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