On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Alex Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> rpc? Do you mind saying a little on how you are using this, and using which
> tools?

We use only Harbour, hbtip, hbxml and FireFox+Ajax+Javascript.

The idea is not revolutionary.

The "exactly" same exe that uses gtwvt under Win and gtxwc under Lin
and Mac OS X can be started with a -httpserver parameter.
It acquire an unused TCP port within a given range and waits for calls.

The call can be:
- "get a file" like jpg, html, pdf, swf and so it works like a normal
http server
- an Harbour functions like "getcustlist( <params> )"
- a name of an hrb file

The "server" evaluates the call and returns:
- an xml file like <request field1="one",  field2="two", fieldn... />
that is parsed by the standard DOM functions that in turn populate the

- a pdf, xls, rtf, csv from a report function that the browser opens
using the usual "Would you like to open or save" request.

As I said it's not ready for production ( and we're not sure it'll
ever be ) for the moment is a proof of concept. We were waiting for MT
since having hundreds of ports ( f.e. 100 users and 5 exes ) is a
security nightmare. Now we hope we can have only one exe and one port
and 500 threads but we're not sure it'll be possible. We need 24x7x365

I hope I was clear enough.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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