On Feb 17, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Ted Lemon <ted.le...@nominum.com> wrote:

> On Feb 17, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org>
> wrote:
>> Please: no. If I have local validation turned on for my own host, and there 
>> is a site I need to get to but it has broken signatures, I would like a GUI 
>> that says "this zone has broken signatures; ignore validation failures for 
>> 60 minutes?".
> Training users to bypass security.   This is extremely bad security UI 
> design.   MUST NOT level bad.   How does the user distinguish between 
> "attack" and "mistake"?   I don't even know how I would do it, and I have at 
> least some vague understanding of the security model of DNSSEC, which is a 
> genuine rarity.   What's the point of having a validating resolver if 
> validation can be skipped with a click?

Because I am my own operator. Yes, you want to be my nanny; no, I didn't ask 
you to be.

> Having a configurable negative trust anchor zone isn't as good as having 
> DNSSEC that can be counted on to always be configured correctly, but it's a 
> lot better than a UI like this.

That would work for me too, but not "you're a host, so you cannot use negative 
trust anchors", which is what Jason's proposed text said.
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