On Feb 17, 2013, at 7:37 AM, "Livingood, Jason" 
<jason_living...@cable.comcast.com> wrote:

> Makes sense to me. So if I added very explicit text to the effect that
> "Negative Trust Anchors MUST NOT be used by host-based DNSSEC validating
> DNS resolvers; this practice only pertains to network-based DNS recursive
> resolvers that multiple hosts query." would that do it?

Please: no. If I have local validation turned on for my own host, and there is 
a site I need to get to but it has broken signatures, I would like a GUI that 
says "this zone has broken signatures; ignore validation failures for 60 

There is no operational difference between a host that validates and a 
validating recursive resolver that has exactly one customer that is looking at 
the one broken zone.

--Paul Hoffman
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