On Feb 17, 2013, at 23:19, Ted Lemon wrote:

> What's local?

DNSSEC set out to step cache poisoning.  Look at it from the cache's point of 

Local means "whatever the owner/operator of the cache" controls.  From the time 
we began to develop validation, decision points were all covered by "local 
policy rules."

DNSSEC is popularly known by it's supply side activity - how many zones are 
signed, etc.  But that's a red herring when it comes to what DNSSEC is all 

So, local is what the operator of the cache (caching server[s]) wants it to be.

> How does the local authority know to set a negative trust anchor?  This seems 
> very labor-intensive and failure-prone.

There is already a commercial market trading on the reputation of domain names. 
 There are various of commercial sources that will recommend disrupting traffic 
to and from sources of, say, spam.  This is in addition to the labor intensive 
process of investigating everything "yourself."

The first step that is needed is to be able to have name servers turn off 
DNSSEC validation per domain name (=zone at times) and then back on.

The next step is to figure out when should DNSSEC be turned off and on.

The next step is to make this scaleable in some reasonable sense.

I don't know "much" about this, in the sense I haven't been paying close 
attention.  But I have been surprised to find that there's more progress on the 
first step that I'd have thought.  I also know there's quite a bit of maturity 
in the latter two steps.  But just not (the maturity that is) in publicly 
available documents.

Again, because I haven't actually read the trust-anchors document(*), I can't 
honestly register support for it but it's probably (or I hope is) a first step 
into making what's already in play commercially appear in a publicly available 
document.  (To date I'm just catching up on the mail list thread.)

(*) - From a conversation a decade ago, I've learned it's best to be completely 
honest about whether you've actually read a document thoroughly when responding 
to a question from Ted. ;)

Ok, so to be honest I might have read the draft in an earlier form, I certainly 
don't recall if I did.

Edward Lewis             
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

There are no answers - just tradeoffs, decisions, and responses.

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