On 2013-02-17, at 21:59, Ralf Weber <ralf.we...@nominum.com> wrote:

> That sounds like a negative DLV to me. I think DLV was a bad idea and I don't 
> think this is a good idea either when you are crossing organization 
> boundaries. I guess it is ok when used inside a provider as mechanism to 
> distribute NTA, but then it doesn't need be in that document.

You could compare it to DNS RBLs, too. You don't have to like it for it to 
exist (you don't have to use it.) It doesn't need to be universally liked to be 

I think the problem that validation is expensive to turn on for ISPs (and has 
value which is difficult to explain to customers) is a real one. I think we 
want more validation to happen. Making it cheaper to turn on validation seems 


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