> I'm confused where you drew the reference to 5280 from (or X.509). I don't 
> see anything in the draft that concerns publication or automatic retrieval of 
> NTAs from elsewhere; which section did I miss?

Sorry, I was one RFC deeper in the reference tree than I thought.   The draft 
that Jason's draft references is RFC5914, not RFC5280, in Section 7.   RFC5914 
in turn references RFC5280.   :)

> I do quite like the idea of being able to publish a policy for a family of 
> validators, however. I like the idea of being able to bring up a validator 
> and subscribe consciously to the policy in such a zone, along the lines of 
> "I'll disable validation for anything I've noticed needs to be handled that 
> way, plus anything that Comcast is willing to tell me about their current 
> validation policy because they know what they are doing". This has advantages 
> for me as a validator operator, and advantages for others who might want to 
> debug the output of my validator with reference to my current validation 
> policy.

Yes, this does have advantages, although Comcast's security infrastructure may 
be much less secure than the infrastructure of the zones it could invalidate.

> Given that validators already have hooks to disable validation for particular 
> domains, and assuming we don't necessarily need to invent new RRTypes to 
> encapsulate that policy in the DNS, I don't necessarily see dnsext work in 
> here. A convention about how to represent this kind of policy in the DNS 
> seems like it could be dnsop work, though.

If it's represented in the DNS, we need to talk about the security model.   I 
guess we do anyway, but the point is that merely having an ops doc that stashes 
it in the DNS somewhere isn't going to be enough.

> Jason: you didn't ask directly, but if the working group was polled to 
> determine support for adopting this document, I would say yes and volunteer 
> to review it.

I want to hear Jason's response to my possibly out-from-left-field comments 
before making any such commitment.   :)

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