
On 18.02.2013, at 04:03, Joe Abley <> wrote:
> I think the problem that validation is expensive to turn on for ISPs (and has 
> value which is difficult to explain to customers) is a real one. I think we 
> want more validation to happen. Making it cheaper to turn on validation seems 
> important.
I fully agree on this, which is why I support this draft. However to achieve 
that goal (making it easier for ISPs to implement DNSSEC) I don't think it is 
necessary to specify how NTA will be distributed. If you think it is important 
to have a vendor independent way of distributing NTA this might be a second 
step, however it's usage should be very limited and not crossing organizational 

So long
Ralf Weber
Senior Infrastructure Architect
Nominum Inc.
2000 Seaport Blvd. Suite 400 
Redwood City, California 94063

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