On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Alexandro Colorado <j...@oooes.org> wrote:
> I think the image structure on the website is a bit messy, there has been
> some cleanup done by kschenk but I think there is still a lot of clean up
> work to be done.
> For example, the new logo, was simply draged and drop to the AOOLogos
> folder with a huge name. I understand the name was needed to identify it
> between the rest of the competitive logos. But now that is selected, the
> current name is unecessary long.
> Apache_OpenOffice_Logo_ChrisR_selected_2013-06_optim_300w.png<http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/images/AOO_logos/Apache_OpenOffice_Logo_ChrisR_selected_2013-06_optim_300w.png?view=log>

Right.  That work is incomplete.  I checked it in originally, after
the logo vote, so we could start working on the product integration
immediately.  But note that the above logo is not the one we actually
used in AOO 4.0 !!

The one we actually used is this one:


This was Chris R's contest logo with some minor technical changes.
Kevin G. used this and generated the PNG/JPG files for AOO 4.0, which
I helped check in.

My intent was to take that SVG and rename it to "master-logo-40.svg"
or something clean like that.  However, I have not had any luck
getting this logo to load into Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.  I get
errors.  And I have not had any luck getting Kevin to send a version
that will load.

So we're stuck right now with a logo that does load into Inkscape, but
is slightly different than the one we used in AOO 4.0.

> At the same time we have old logos which had been untouch. I think the
> webdevs have small understanding of a svn is builted so that the files are
> updated without having different versions laying arround. Over this
> example, ooo-logo.png and
> AOO4_website_logo.png<http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/images/AOO_logos/AOO4_website_logo.png?view=log>exist.
> All these proliferation of logos, usually will built up to become
> incredibly messy to work. I suggest to put the information such as author,
> version, status, etc. on the comments of the commit and not on the
> filename.  Likewise to take the time to look for the source of the image,
> since there is an SVG/ folder to link the source of them, and finally if
> there are different images (sizes) to have a common convention.

A more logical naming scheme would be good, I agree.  But this has
been waiting for resolution of which SVG we should actually be using.



> If you want to review the images please go here:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/images/AOO_logos/
> --
> Alexandro Colorado
> Apache OpenOffice Contributor
> http://www.openoffice.org

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