I noticed that because I used cp -r and not mv, that the symlinks were
all gone. So I've moved the old commons site in place and am
redeploying the latest changes on top, plus the perl regexp's that
were applied to the subprojects to handle a few obvious bits.

Doesn't explain the CLI broken links though, just something I noticed
while looking at that.


On 7/28/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sure there's stuff I've missed, but http://commons.apache.org is
> now live and redirecting from Jakarta.
> TODO list:
> 1) Reflect the SVN migration when that happens.
> 2) Reflect the wiki migration when that happens.
> 3) Migrate the download section over from Jakarta.
> 4) Bring over our news from the Jakarta news and migrate it into some
> kind of system in Commons.
> 5) Merge Bugs and Contributing Patches.
> Dennis - if you want to start thinking M2, now's the time. For 3+4
> above, I'm thinking that we still want to generate from a simple xml
> db. Current dumb thought is to keep the Ant and plug that in to the
> maven site build somehow by making it output Maven xdoc instead of
> Anakia XSLT xdoc (practically the same I suspect).
> Hen

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