But granted, there is no necessity of voting imposed upon you :-) If you cannot judge the worthiness of a release, it's not something worthy of your vote. Someone would have to be a PMC in Commons that actually works on those libraries. I imagine, this is true for all of commons too? If Commons project X is not of interest to you, there's a good chance you won't vote for it -- regardless of Java or C++ or something else.


Stephen Colebourne wrote:
As developers we naturally look to make this kind of abstraction - putting all the commons-like projects together. But that isn't what the ASF is supposed to be about, which is communities.

My question is what community does [lang] or [betwixt] share with APR or the C++ template library. I'd suggest pretty much none.

More than this is the question of oversight. Personally, I would not feel comfortable sitting on a PMC with APR or C++ libraries being released. I would have no measure by which to judge their release worthiness, or to handle issues from them.


Paul Benedict wrote:
Simon, my thoughts are the same. I don't see commons being exclusively Java. Perhaps APR library and the C++ template would sit in here too.


simon wrote:
On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 00:47 -0700, Henri Yandell wrote:
I'm sure there's stuff I've missed, but http://commons.apache.org is
now live and redirecting from Jakarta.

I'm still not at all happy about the "commons.apache.org" site being
taken over by pure java stuff.

Wasn't there some kind of agreement that if other non-java communities
wanted to form a commons then they could share the commons.apache.org
site? With the current website that is going to be pretty hard to do.



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