On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 04:33:38PM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:

> >   [5] It's also possible to use their kitchen and cook our own food.
> >       The organizers of RMLL in Geneve this July told us that they were
> >       able to hire people to cook for them for 8.- CHF per meal. This
> >       would reduce the costs to CHF 24.- / € 20.- per person per day
> >       which totals to CHF 70'200 / € 58'000.  Going with this option
> >       would save us about CHF 46'800 / € 38'700.
> Such an option which reduces the budget by 46k CHF doesn't sound like an 
> option to me, but rather like a must-have.


I remember the talk about not being practical to cook ourselves... I
thought that was because we wouldn't have the volunteers to do it.
However... I don't recall if someone said we can't hire someone.

The situation is actually better than it lists above.

1) We only really need two meals per day (maybe get them to bring some
snacks for breakfast.  Reduce costs by 1/3rd.

2) Avoid day trip food costs.  Reduce costs by ~4800

3) Be able to give estimates and only pay for meals we eat: save a

4) Be able to get cold meals for arrival/departure days.  Save a bit.

RLMM cook:
  16 CHF/day * (300*8 + 100*6) = 48 kCHF ~ 39 k€.
  minus savings from not paying first/last days

Le Camp cook:
  120 kCHF ~ 100 k€  full board (8 debconf days)

Note: the budget spreadsheet we have been looking at has assumed 7
days for debconf.  The RLMM calculations assumed 8 days.  The above
calcs have been normalized to 8 debconf days/6 debcamp, which includes
arrival but not departure date.  Both calcs will be reduced some by
excluding them or just getting cold meals those days.

RLMM cook actual savings: 72 kCHF or 60 k€.  Plus, we'll save even
more by being able to estimate closer to what we need.  This needs
serious consideration, even if there are extra overhead costs.

Even if there are extra accom costs for not buying their food, it
would probably be worth it for only needing two meals per day.

Even if this doesn't work, what are the possibilities about getting le
camp to include lunch but not breakfast.  In fact, perhaps we could
even make this be a minimum requirement for using le camp?

- Richard

[gismo: sorry, I wrote this before your email got sent... 
 everyone else: read gismo's email first]

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 3 days, 19:03
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