Luca Capello <> writes:

> Hi there!


>   Benefits from SILVER, and also:
>   + Logo printed larger and in superior position


> Notes
> =====
> The size and order of sponsor logos in promotional materials will be the
> same for each level.

What do you mean by this? That all logos are the same size or that the
(relative) size difference will be the same on all materials (website,
banner, ...)? IMO this sentence can be deleted. I really think this is a
detail. The important point is above (Silver and above get larger logos
than the others).

> We welcome as well hardware donations to support the DebConf
> infrastructure.

I propose to merge this as an additional point into the list below.
While we probably won't turn down reasonable hardware, to my knowledge
there is nothing hardware wise we urgently need. My fear is that
hardware companies will prefer to give hardware instead of money while
we mostly need money instead of hardware.


> We also invite sponsors, in addition to their basic sponsorship, to
> sponsor a specific part of the conference.  These are some of the
> opportunities available, please contact the sponsorship team to discuss
> prices and other details:
>   + Lecture and meeting rooms
>   + Conference banquet
>   + Tourist outing
>   + Attendee travel bursaries
>   + Sponsored meals for attendees
>   + Sponsored accommodation for attendees
>   + Coffee or snacks
>   + Prizes for fixing bugs or similar actions
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
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