
just two small comments (for now):

On Freitag, 28. September 2012, Luca Capello wrote:
>   [4] the price for one T-Shirt was based on the last SpaceFun/squeeze
>       T-Shirts produced by debian.ch, i.e. 14.05 EUR (raw material and
>       printing included).  The total price showed is for 400 T-Shirts.

6800 CHF might only be a small percentage of the budget, but I still don't 
think we should pay 14 CHF for a tshirt, when we can get them for half the 
amount in USD elsewhere.

>   [5] It's also possible to use their kitchen and cook our own food.
>       The organizers of RMLL in Geneve this July told us that they were
>       able to hire people to cook for them for 8.- CHF per meal. This
>       would reduce the costs to CHF 24.- / € 20.- per person per day
>       which totals to CHF 70'200 / € 58'000.  Going with this option
>       would save us about CHF 46'800 / € 38'700.

Such an option which reduces the budget by 46k CHF doesn't sound like an 
option to me, but rather like a must-have.

        Holger, a bit puzzled about having to write this mail...
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