Hi there!

On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:33:38 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> just two small comments (for now):

I thought it was clear that I reported the whole rough budget (including
notes, this is the reason for the link) prepared for the *bid* so once
and for all we have it on this mailing list.  However, that budget is
now over and reality took over.

> On Freitag, 28. September 2012, Luca Capello wrote:
>>   [4] the price for one T-Shirt was based on the last SpaceFun/squeeze
>>       T-Shirts produced by debian.ch, i.e. 14.05 EUR (raw material and
>>       printing included).  The total price showed is for 400 T-Shirts.
> 6800 CHF might only be a small percentage of the budget, but I still don't 
> think we should pay 14 CHF for a tshirt, when we can get them for half the 
> amount in USD elsewhere.

See my comment above, while replying to Daniel and continuing with the
current situation I completely ignored everything unrelated with
accommodation or food.

>>   [5] It's also possible to use their kitchen and cook our own food.
>>       The organizers of RMLL in Geneve this July told us that they were
>>       able to hire people to cook for them for 8.- CHF per meal. This
>>       would reduce the costs to CHF 24.- / € 20.- per person per day
>>       which totals to CHF 70'200 / € 58'000.  Going with this option
>>       would save us about CHF 46'800 / € 38'700.
> Such an option which reduces the budget by 46k CHF doesn't sound like an 
> option to me, but rather like a must-have.

This will be my final email on this subject and I will reply for myself
only: it was an option I considered, even knowing that cooking for our
own would have costed in other terms (time and organization, just
imagine to find the volunteer for that).

And, frankly speaking, the RMLL had *one* meal (lunch) for 10.00 CHF per
person (I was there), while no breakfast and no dinner.  The lowest
estimation should have then be 30.00 CHF per person per day, thus
87'750.00 CHF in total.

Please note that there were almost a period of 4 month before the bid
during which anyone wanting to follow on with such an option could have
come with a *feasible* proposal: if I am not wrong (please someone
correct me), there was no sign of such a proposal.

The fact that in the end Le Camp did not allow us to cook by ourselves
is another point.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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