Hi there!

On Tue, 25 Sep 2012 13:06:38 +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 25/09/12 09:00, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>>> I find the level for silver way too high for what you get in response.
> <snip>
>> end I think the benefits don't matter that much to companies. I guess
>> that most of them sponsor DebConf because they want to support Debian,
>> not because of the benefits.
> The budget is now twice as big as before,

I beg to disagree, given that I prepared the rough budget for the bid:


  | item                                                         | price CHF  |
  | Accommodation (average of 22 CHF / 18.19 EUR per day [1][6]) |  64'350.00 |
  | Food (average of 40 CHF / 33.06 EUR per day [1][5]           | 117'000.00 |
  | Travel sponsorship [2]                                       |            |
  | * from GVA (29.20 CHF / 24.13 EUR for one-way)               |   8'760.00 |
  | * from ZRH (50.20 CHF / 41.49 EUR for one-way)               |  15'060.00 |
  | Venue [3]                                                    |       0.00 |
  | T-Shirts [4]                                                 |   6'800.00 |
  | Daytrip                                                      |      [TBA] |
  | TOTAL                                                        | 211'970.00 |

  [1] based on previous DebConfs, we estimated an average of 195
      attendees per day during the whole 15 days.
  [2] not considering how to reach Switzerland, to arrive to `Le Camp`
      from the Geneva and Zürich airports one needs to take public
      transports.  Full prices for one person are 40.40 CHF / 33.39 EUR
      and 69.40 CHF / 57.36 EUR for one-way from GVA or ZRH,
      respectively. Group prices for 150 people are 29.20 CHF / 24.13
      EUR and 50.20 / 41.49 EUR, for one person and one-way, from GVA
      and ZRH, respectively.  These latter are the prices used for the
  [3] the whole venue will be reserved for us and its price is included
      in accommodation.
  [4] the price for one T-Shirt was based on the last SpaceFun/squeeze
      T-Shirts produced by debian.ch, i.e. 14.05 EUR (raw material and
      printing included).  The total price showed is for 400 T-Shirts.
  [5] It's also possible to use their kitchen and cook our own food.
      The organizers of RMLL in Geneve this July told us that they were
      able to hire people to cook for them for 8.- CHF per meal. This
      would reduce the costs to CHF 24.- / € 20.- per person per day
      which totals to CHF 70'200 / € 58'000.  Going with this option
      would save us about CHF 46'800 / € 38'700.
  [6] Note that that's _very_ cheap for accomodation in Switzerland.
      Any single hotel room is at least 50.- CHF / night while one might
      go down to 25.- CHF / night / person in the Cheap Youth Hostels
      with group discount.

Given the above, the budget for the venue for "an average of *195*
attendees per day during the whole 15 days" was estimated to 64'350.00
CHF (accommodation) plus 117'000.00 CHF (food), thus a total of
181'350.00 CHF.

The budget from the last contract we got from Le Camp and for the same
amount of attendees (let me repeat it, *195*) is a bit higher, still way
far to be the double:


  | item                                   | price CHF  |
  | Accommodation (4'880.00 CHF per night) |  73'200.00 |
  | Food (full-board at 40.00 CHF per day) | 117'000.00 |
  | TOTAL                                  | 190'200.00 |

The above despite two facts:

a) we can accommodate more than 195 attendees for 4'880.00 per night,
   the maximum being 255, because:

     | beds             | price CHF |
     | 169 at 17.00 CHF |  2'873.00 |
     |  26 at 21.00 CHF |    546.00 |
     |  60 at 24.00 CHF |  1'440.00 |
     | TOTAL            |  4'859.00 |

b) for food I assumed that everyone will get full-board, which is
   clearly not true, at least for the arrival/departure days.

> this implies the need to find
> new sponsors: and some of those new sponsors may be more interested in
> the benefits than the traditional sponsors

We need sponsors, full stop.  The fact that they are old, new, small,
big or whatever else is not important.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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