Hi there! On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 17:42:55 +0200, Luca Capello wrote: > On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:44:41 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote: >> On Freitag, 28. September 2012, Luca Capello wrote: >>> * SUPPORTER - up to 2'000 CHF >>> >>> + Logo on the sponsor web page >>> [[[move the next one to BRONZE?]]] >>> + Provide corporate materials in conference bags >> >> I dont think we should move this benefit. >> >>> * BRONZE - starting from 2'000 CHF >>> >>> Benefits from SUPPORTER, and also: >>> >>> + Logo on all web pages and link back to company homepage >>> [[[move the next one to SILVER?]]] >>> + Logo in full-page "thank you" ad in Linux Magazine worldwide >> >> this one maybe, other comments? > > Just a note: moving only this one means that if you pay less (for > SUPPORTER and not BRONZE) you get more benefits. I was mostly of the > idea that we should have a growing number of benefits: now it is > 2-2-2-3-3, while I proposed 1-2-3-3-3 replying to Martin Zobel-Helas: > > <mid:87mx0fi5hp....@gismo.pca.it> > <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120924.192951.be685089.en.html>
Does the fact that there were no other comments about this mean that it should moved or not? ;-) >>> * SILVER - starting from 6'000 CHF >>> >>> Benefits from BRONZE, and also: >>> >>> + Logo printed on conference T-Shirts >>> + Logo printed on conference bags >> >> "if we do conference bags" maybe? > > Should we maybe use "conference material"? There was a proposal to > produce reusable plastic glasses: > > <mid:1345394642.4118.6.camel@rhadamanthine.Belkin> > <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120818.194749.f7b0608d.en.html> And about this? Should we completely remove the conference bags notion? >> And I do wonder if the money gap between bronze and silver is too high. (2k >> - >> 6k CHF.) > > Your call if we can still change the levels, however let me note that > this is not what was agreed upon the last IRC meeting: > > > <http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-09-18-17.06.html> This is the more impelling question. Nevertheless, I just committed the fixes Holger suggested and I am calling for an English review soon after this email: <http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debconf-data?view=revision&revision=3738> Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca
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